• Gardening adventures,  Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures,  Ponds,  Rain Catching


    Upper pond and the Nest

    For the last two days we’ve experienced enough rain so that my permaculture adventures could be tested.  Two storms, each bringing about half an inch of rain, created enough water for the watershed to begin to flow.  Roger Boddaert and his team were busy rototilling urea into the areas which hadn’t yet been planted,

    Freshly tilled areas soaked up water

    and Jacob from Aquascape and Jose were digging trenches for the drip irrigation system. They were very glad of the rain softening up the dirt!

    Trenching for Irrigation

    Everyone was wet.  Finally the rain gathered enough strength to flow down the street, under the fence from my wonderful neighbor’s property, and down the rain channel created by Jacob.

    Water running in the trenches

    Some trenching had to be done to divert the water around the new Nest hut.

    A diverting occupation

    Rapidly the upper rain catchment pond filled then overflowed down the rain channel into the second lower catchment pond.

    Jose and I awaiting the overflow
    First Pond Filled
    Roger and Jacob ponding

    The scheme is that overflow from this pond will be channeled around the lower permanent pond and away so as not to overflow the big pond and erode the weakest and lowest end of the property around it.

    Overflow water from the upper pond

    However since we were eager to see the big pond filled, Roger cut a trench from the second rain catchment pond to the big pond.

    Overflow filling the second pond










    Earlier I had been in and out that morning on errands, and had settled in the house with a hot cup of tea and comfortable fuzzy pants on, when I realized that I was wasting water.  I have three fifty-gallon rain barrels set around the house, which fill up within minutes and then overflow.  Why wasn’t I channeling that water into the big pond?  So of course I exchange my slippers for outdoor shoes (at least I did that!), put on a windbreaker with a hood, and go hauling hoses around to connect to the rainbarrels.  I’ve had a sprained right wrist for a couple of weeks and pulling hoses was not the best medicine.  So of course I did it, with my fuzzy pants wicking up rain and mud and beginning to drag under my feet.  That’s me in a nutshell.  Loving every minute of it.  With three hoses leading down to the pond, all that wonderful roof runoff wouldn’t go to waste.

    Connecting hoses to rainbarrels
    The Big Pond already collecting rainwater

    The big pond had had some water in it, enough for my son and I to put in a few mosquito fish to eat all the mosquito larvae.  That water had been evaporating so there wasn’t much more than a large puddle at the bottom.  By the time I put the hoses leading from the rain barrels into the pond, it had already been catching a significant amount of rainwater directly.  Too bad I hadn’t thought of the hoses much earlier in the storm!

    The rainstorm broke up too early for me, but more rain was on the way that night.

    Waking up to the sound of rain is one of the nicest experiences for me, mostly because I live in a dry climate, I expect.  The rain had set in well overnight, and I could see from my bedroom window a reflection from down below which turned out to be the lower pond!

    Morning view from my bedroom!

    For a minute I thought it had filled up, but then I realized it was about a quarter full, and was impressed and excited about how it would look when completely full of water!  The watershed rain was following the trench and going through the ponds, which were still holding water and allowing it to perculate into the soil.

    Second pond in the morning

    The planted and mulched areas, and the areas newly tilled were soaking up water so well that there wasn’t any run-off from it.  Of course, the rain was steady and we didn’t have any of those crazy intense rainstorms like we get in the winter, when it feels and sounds as if an enormous endless bucket has been overturned over Fallbrook.  Those will be a true test of the system.  Until then, I was very fortunate to have had this great rainfall to test the system right when the two major players were on hand.  It was exciting.

    The Lower Pond after the rains
  • Animals,  Gardening adventures

    Unsticking the Snake

    A Stuck Snake

    This morning as I was wandering through my vegetable garden, I saw the middle part of a snake with his tail and head covered.  This was late morning, and he wasn’t moving so I thought him dead.  Fortunately he wasn’t.  At first I thought he was a rattlesnake by the way his scales were rougher and the sound of a faint rattle when I moved the bamboo that lay under him.

    All I could see of his body

    He wasn’t; he was a  three and a half foot gopher snake, the same one I’d seen about a month ago for the first time in my yard.  Just about all snakes shake their tails when giving a warning, but rattlesnakes have stacked hollow sections of keratin… the same material that is in your fingernails and hair… that bump together when shaken to create that rattle sound.  No, there aren’t any balls inside.  Rattles appear with age but can come off, so a very young rattler with only one button or a snake that has his broken off won’t make a rattle but will still shake his (or her) tail.  But I digress.

    This gopher snake was in distress because it had crawled through plastic netting that I had carelessly left on the ground.  Once about 25 years ago I had a similar situation when I lived in Vista, when a gopher snake became emmeshed in the holes of a plastic garden netting I’d set up.  It took me a while to free it, and it wasn’t nearly as badly stuck as this poor guy.

    This netting was the type used to cover fruit trees to protect them from bird predation, and I had some that I’d used briefly over my pea shoots when the crows were eating them.  I’d left the netting in a nursery can but over the months it ended up on the ground with a snake stuck in it.  I had to carefully cut the poor thing out.

    His head poking through

    About two inches of his head was showing once I pulled the netting back; not enough to swing around and bite me.  He was stuck multiple times with the netting cutting into his skin in several places.  I brought back a kitchen knife with a flat top and a sharp edge to it, so that I wouldn’t hurt him when I pressed down to slide the edge under the netting, but the tip of the knife wasn’t sharp enough.  I ended up with some very sharp sewing scissors… the miniature kind shaped like a swan.  And, of course, my camera.

    The dilemma was that if I freed up enough of it’s middle it would try to push forward and become even more tightly stuck in the netting higher up.  If I freed more of its top part first then it would have the leverage to turn and bite me.

    When dealing with frightened animals (and people) you have to find the quiet part of yourself and work from there, without distraction and using a calm voice.  Not only are your actions imperfect when you are tense or scared or angry, but that feeling emanates out from you and whatever you are working on will react to it.  In other words, sensing your fear is a very real thing.  I was very glad that this wasn’t a rattlesnake.  The snake shook it’s tail at me several times and kept flicking it’s tongue out to smell me, but even though he wasn’t badly hurt or sick yet he was a very nice snake.  I pulled the netting away from his head so that his trajectory when freed wouldn’t send him into more of the plastic loops.

    "Help me!"

    Then I started sliding the scissors as gently as I could under the plastic netting that was pressed into his soft skin and cutting him free.  He was badly stuck so it took some time.

    Plastic pressed into his delicate skin

    All the while I spoke calmly to him, and knew that he would only feel relief after each of my actions so he’d know I wasn’t doing him harm.  Finally I got to the netting around his… um… neck?  He turned his little head but wasn’t rattling or coiling in preparation to move suddenly.

    The last bit of netting

    With the last snip he raced away several feet to the shade under a nearby lime tree.

    "Thank-you, Diane!"

    There he sat looking back at me.  I waved and told him he was welcome to all the gophers he could eat, and threw away the netting.

    The lesson here, of course, is to be careful with the debris you leave around your yard.  Could it be an animal trap?  Think beyond it to the animals at the dump where your trash ends up.  Snipping your 6-pack plastic rings might save the lives of seagulls, water creatures (if it ends up somehow in the water), or rodents.  Of course, going plastic-less would be the ideal but still wouldn’t eliminate injury to animals.  Tin cans are stuck on animals’ heads all the time.  Just be aware of what you have lying around and consider if it could be a hazard or not.  That way it might save you from snipping plastic rings off a snake someday.

  • Gardening adventures,  Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures,  Photos

    The Nest


    Creative thinking, recycling, scrounging for materials, looking through books for ideas… it can add up to wondrous creations.  After seeing a hut built like a nest in a book, Roger Boddaert who is installing my permascape garden pulled together a lot of scraps and came up with my own nest.   He and his team worked magic.

    Three palm trees that had been, well, decapitated, then stripped of their calyxes, became the main pillars for the structure.

    Creative Direction

    Old wire that was left over from old gardening trellises and even from the previous owner was wrapped around more palm trunks moved over for the framing.

    Bundling Grape Vines
    Wood from the sheds that had been destroyed was used for a window and doorways.  Then grape vine cuttings that Roger’s neighbor had left over from his vineyard were bundled up and tied onto the wire frame with wire.
    Old shed wood for frames
    Wisteria and jasmine, among other plants, will eventually grow all over this trellis.
    Straw will be strewn on the ground

    More vining plants are planted inside.

    Abutilon planted inside

    An old gate left over from the original owners… who  probably reused it from something else.

    Old Gate

    To do the roof, Juan made due with what he had.

    Roof access


    Then stretched just a little more!

    Precarious Perch

    With a wall made of broken cement to define the walkway and planted areas, it is finished.


    Inside a palm tree forms a bench.

    The Inside

    All the times I mowed around these palm trees can be forgotten as they are now exotic support beams.

    Rooted palm pillars

    A little bit on the crazy, fairy-story side, this structure will only mature as the vines take over.  What a great addition to the garden!

    Magic Hut






  • Gardening adventures,  Vegan,  Vegetables,  Vegetarian

    How to Blanch

    Ice Bath

    When preparing fresh vegetables for the freezer, the best way to do it is to blanch them.  Canning vegetables is another method of storage that doesn’t rely on electricity to keep fresh, but I’m not going into canning here.  For the freezer storage method, clean the vegetables (which is the most time-consuming part of the whole process.  Turn on an audiobook or watch the birds out the window while you work!), then briefly submerge portions in boiling water for a couple of minutes.   Immediately plunge them into an ice bath.

    All You Need to Blanch
    Blanching Swiss Chard
    If You Have a Lot, Use a Larger Pot!









    The quick cooking softens them and sets their color, and the ice stops the cooking process.

    Swiss Chard in Ice Bath
    Chard in boiling water, ice water, and awaiting blanching


    Then you dry the vegetables and freeze them. To dry them off, you can spread them in clean dish towels and squeeze or blot them dry, or you can drag out that old salad spinner that has lived in the cupboard for twenty years and put it to good use.   If the veggies are pieces, then for ease of use you separate them on a cookie sheet and freeze for about half an hour or less, then pour them into freezer containers. For clumps, such as with Swiss chard, spinach, kale or other leafy greens, spread them out as thinly as you can on a cookie sheet and freeze, then break up and put into freezer containers.  When you go to use them they won’t be frozen into one big blob, and you can use what you want to and reseal.  Be sure to mark the container with the date.

    Frozen Bagged Sugar Peas

    I’ve just had an enormous snow pea harvest, as well as three plastic grocery bags stuffed full of Swiss chard.  To save water, I cleaned all the chard and a plastic grocery bag half full of snow peas, then blanched the peas first and then the chard.  Besides washing the peas and chard (look back a few posts about how to cook Swiss chard), the peas had their stems pinched off and any tough vein stripped from the sides.  The chard was de-stemmed and torn up. All this preparation might seem to be too much work.  However, I have frozen freshly grown organic vegetables whenever I want them, and there is nothing… I repeat nothing… so good as to eat produce you raised yourself and to feed all that love and care and work and sunshine to your family.

    When finished you’ll have a lot of dark water.  Don’t throw it out!  It is heavy with vitamins from the produce.  Some hard-core enthusiasts would add it to soups or smoothies, or drink it.  I cool it and water my plants with it.    I try to be healthy, but some things are just going too far!

  • Animals,  Bees,  Gardening adventures,  Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures,  Photos,  Vegetarian

    Moving Bees

    Honeycomb with Capped Cells

    Backyard beekeeping is catching on in the United States, and there is more pressure on local governments to relax laws that prevent people from doing so.  There are many misconceptions about beekeeping, and many keepers treat the bees cruelly in their pursuit of bee products.  Bees are honey hoarders, so taking some honey from a hive isn’t going to do them harm.  Taking too much starves the hive during non-pollen times and is cruel.  Bees are complex, fascinating, and are disappearing for unknown reasons.  The most evidence to explain Colony Collapse Disorder links it to a combination of Genetically Modified crops, pesticides and herbicides, and the waves from cell phone and power towers.  In other words, we are screwing them up, and we will suffer for it.

    About six years ago, a bee swarm set up house in an old couch I had outdoors for my dogs to lay on.  They stopped laying on it.  I left the hive until I had to get rid of the couch.  I was writing for the magazine Edible San Diego and interviewed a couple who were beekeepers (http://www.ediblecommunities.com/sandiego/pages/articles/summer08/secretDances.pdf ).  They came over and helped me move the hive.  Actually, I took photos and watched as they worked as a team.  When they turned the couch over, the honeycomb hanging in contoured patterns from the springs was incredibly beautiful.  I thought at the time that I understood organic beekeeping, but I doubted many of the things that I was hearing.  Since then, I’ve learned a lot more about working with bees without doing harm.  I glean a lot of information from Organicbeekeepers@yahoogroups.com , which is a listserve that fields questions about natural beekeeping.

    What Was Under the Couch
    Comb and Bees around Couch Springs
    That hive was put in Langstroth boxes and  my daughter and I kept  them for several years.  This last December during the same week, this hive and a swarm that had settled in my shed wall both disappeared.  Bees don’t die in their hives if they can help it, and for both hives to abscond was strange, so it sounds like Colony Collapse.   Since then I’ve planted a Bee Garden in the lower half of my property, flush with flowering plants, particularly in the color blue, that bees love and that flower at differnent times of the year.  I also had a couple of Top Bar Hives built to accompany the Langstroth hive which is the American standard hive you see everywhere.  I’ll talk about TBHs in another post.  A friend had a swarm in a stack of enormous tree-sized black plastic nursery containers, and I took the opportunity to move them to my new bee garden.
    The best time to move a hive of bees is after dark.  Bees are all home at that time, and they don’t fly.  They will crawl, however, so you have to watch your pant legs.  The stack of containers was far heavier than I had anticipated, and getting them onto the back of my truck without jolting the hive too badly (don’t want to kill the queen) was more than what we had bargained for.  However it was done, roped on, and I made my unusual journey back to my house… not that far away, thank goodness!
    Bees at Night are a Delight

    My son and I off loaded the heavy thing and left it in front of the Langstroth hive where the colony would be moved to.  That way the bees could familiarize themselves with their surroundings and mark pollen-gathering sites while still in their comb.  The other day I took apart the containers and moved the colony into the hive.  It was a good thing that I did because the comb was so convoluted that the swarm would probably have suffered soon.  Bees build comb hanging down from a surface, securing it to sides if it is available.  They do this by festooning, which is where they hold on to each other’s legs across and down, and make wax from bodily secretions into linked chambers in perfect distances apart.  The containers had been tipped over, stood up and moved over the roughly year and a half that the swarm inhabited them, and the comb was proof of it.  The following image is of the container on its side.

    Inside the Container


    Bees on Underside of Second Container

    It wasn’t a large hive, only about 15,000 bees.  A large colony like what was in my couch could contain 30,000 to 60,000 bees during peak pollen season.

    Feeling awful about having to disrupt the bees, but knowing that I was actually helping them (ants were also getting into their hive), I began to cut out the comb, looking for larvae, and attaching it to frames that would fit into the Langs.  To do this you need a knife, empty frames and pieces of pre-cut wire, rubber bands, or I’ve heard, those jaw-like hair clips.  All your equipment should be ready to go because it is very, very hot in the bee suit, the bees are angry with you and the more time you spend the more harmful for them, and your gloves are covered in honey and you stick to everything that you touch.  When bees are under attack they send out a pheramone (which smells a little like banana) telling the returning workers that there is trouble.  When they sting, they also release a smell that tells other bees that there is an intruder.  However, it also alerts bees from other hives that there is a ruckus, and they are attracted so they can try to rob the hive of honey.  Very much like looters taking advantage of an emergency.

    Being Gentle
    Carefully cutting out comb
    My son was nice enough to take these photos, up until the bees took exception to paparazzi and stung him on the end of his nose.  Fortunately he doesn’t swell up.
    Honey Dripping from Comb









    I do use a smoker.  Smoke doesn’t calm the bees, it just makes them order their priorities away from attacking you.  They think that fire is imminent, so they begin gorging themselves with honey in an attempt to save as much food as possible in the event of hive destruction.  I use only a little smoke because too much hurts the bees and doesn’t make them eat any faster.  Mostly the smoke ends up blowing in my face the whole time.   I used to not have any reaction to bee stings, but in the last couple of years I develop a large swelling with blisters, so I wear the full bee suit with thick clothes underneath despite the heat, rubber bands around the pant legs or boots, I use smoke and take allergy medication before I begin (I’m usually sneezing from hayfever anyway so it helps keep my nose from running while I’m suited up.)

    Placing Cut Comb onto Frames

    The comb must be cut to fit, hanging the same way it did originally, and must be attached so that it hangs evenly.  Otherwise the bees will attach it to the next frame with burr comb (comb that is used to attach honeycomb to support surfaces) and it will be hard to later remove the frames for examination without harming the bees and brood.

    Placing Comb Into Hive

    Comb with brood goes into the middle of the bottom box, which is larger and called a brood box.  A couple of frames with honeycomb go on either side of the brood for insulation and food.  The frames are spaced evenly… bees like a particular width between combs.  In the second box which is shallower, called a super, more honeycomb goes in along with enough frames to fill the box.  Frames are traditionally fitted with pre-made wax comb on which the bees build more comb, ensuring that the comb is straight and giving them more time into honey production rather than comb production.

    Pre-formed wax foundation in a frame

    Some use a plastic comb.  Also, if you are extracting honey with a centrafugal extractor, the pre-made comb doesn’t break off as easily as regular comb, and it can be re-used.  I’ve always wondered about this, since I’m not a large-scale honey producer and am mostly interested in giving the bees safe harbor, although I do like honey and pollination.  I’ve recently learned from a seminar from the Backwards Beekeepers (http://beehuman.blogspot.com/) in Los Angeles that using empty frames is just fine.  Giving the bees a place to start, like a thin line of beeswax or a popsicle stick helps.  For these first two boxes I put in pre-formed wax frames… just a couple… between the moved honeycomb.  In the other boxes that I’ll gradually stack on top as the hives grows, however, I’m going with empty frames.  Let the bees do what they want.  Also it has been shown that bees naturally make slightly smaller rounds in their comb than the ones of the pre-pressed wax foundation, and may be less suseptible to the mites that are a deadly scourge of honeybees.What comb I couldn’t fit into frames I swept clean of bees as well as I could and dropped into a covered pail for later crushing and honey extraction.

    With most of the comb gone, there were still several thousand bees in the container that needed to be moved.  I hadn’t seen the queen, and she may well have been in that last batch.  I had to lift the container (which was big, round and heavy) and gently tap the bees into the open box.

    Tapping Them Out Into Hive

    The ones that didn’t tap out I gently brushed with a bee brush.

    Brushing Bees into Hive

    Still more bees were on the bottom of the other container.  I placed the hive lid on the ground in front of the opening to the hive like a ramp and tapped and brushed those bees onto it.  Bees like to climb, so up they went into the box!  There was a lot of debris in the containers such as dirt and leaves, so I had to be careful not to get too much of it into the hive with the honeycomb.

    After I moved all the bees I could into the hive, I moved my equipment away and left pieces of honeycomb on the piece of plywood next to the hive.  The hive stand rests on long screws, which are placed in cans of oil to prevent ants from invading the hive, so I didn’t worry about all the drips of honey being invaded.  Many bees sat on the outside of the hive and waggled their bottoms in the air producing pheramone messages.  One of the messages was to inform returning gatherers how to get into the new hive, another would be the state of emergency and who to look out for.  I’d hate to know what they were waggling about me!

    Spreading Pheramone

    I covered the hive with a California off-set cover, which allows ventilation in our hot climate and another place for entry.  The bees settled in and by this morning they were gathering pollen, cleaning up the honey and going about their business.

    There is so much to say about bees, and there is so much we don’t know about them yet.  Some interesting facts are that honeybees are not native to the US, and of the 3,000 types of bees they are the only ones that make honey.  Almost all bees are female except a handful of drones who have the purpose in life of hopefully mating with a new queen.  Worker bees start out tending their queen, where they acquire her particular pheramone, then they move up to housekeeping and then feeding larvae.  When they get to middle age, they go out for their first flights and spend the rest of their lives as gatherers.  That yellow blotch on your windshield is first-flight bee poo.  Worker bees make the larvae develop into drones, queens or workers by feeding them different foods such as bee bread, honey and royal jelly.

    If you are interested in backyard beekeeping, attend a meeting of the San Diego Beekeeping Society (http://www.meetup.com/The-San-Diego-Beekeeping-Meetup-Group/ ), which meets the third Monday of each month at 6 pm at Casa del Prado, Balboa Park, room 104.  Read books such as the Barefoot Beekeeper by P. J. Chandler or Natural Beekeeping by Ross Conrad, or read this wonderful blog http://beekeeperlinda.blogspot.com/2007/06/honey-harvest-crush-and-strain.html.  I live in San Diego County, and I have a permit for beekeeping.

    Honeybees sting in defense of their colony, and with the sting comes part of their abdomen and they die.  Here is a photo of the stinger that was left on the tip of my son’s nose while he was photographing me.  Although stung through the suit many times (with the regretful loss of bee life that entailed) no sting reached me during this process.

  • Gardening adventures,  Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures,  Photos,  Vegetables,  Vegetarian

    Eating from the Garden

    Mesculn Mix

    Beginning last week, I’ve been able to serve at least one thing from the vegetable garden every night at dinner.   Peas, Swiss chard,  lettuce, cilantro,radish,  more peas, chives, carrots, strawberries, and, of course, peas.  I munch as I water and weed, and feel that for a moment, here at least, all is right with the world.  Like so many gardeners everywhere, I await the taste of my first tomato, but since my plants are no more than three inches high, I have awhile to wait. 


    Every year I have a bumper crop of purslane growing as a weed in my beds, and this year is no different.  However, I’ve read where purslane has more Omega-3 fatty acids than many fish, something we vegetarians should be aware of.  Originally from India, and supposedly Ghandi’s favorite food, this succulent member of the Portulaca family offers other nutritional benefits as well.  See http://www.nutrition-and-you.com/purslane.html .  If uprooted and left on the soil, the plant uses its stored liquids to produce seed and scatter them.  “So there!” it says.  I must admit that the thick leaves and stems are off-putting for me texture-wise, but I’ve begun to snap off young stems and include them with the lettuce I’m harvesting.  I’ll have to be bold and find better uses for it in my kitchen.  After all, its free!


     I created two new raised beds, lined with aviary wire (which is a devil to work with.  I have scratches all over.)

    New raised beds

    I still have two more raised bed kits, which I bought last Fall in a clearance sale.  I’ve leveled them, placed cardboard on the ground to deter weeds (especially the dreaded Bermuda grass!), used a staple gun to attach aviary wire across the bottom and up the insides a little, then filled with topsoil and very wormy mushroom compost, then watered it all in.  I still have to add more good soil, then I’ll mix in some Garden’s Alive non-animal organic vegetable fertilizer and some microbes, just to start the beds off right.

    Seed Sprouting

    These beds will be for the vining plants such as squash, pumpkin and melons.  There is room for vines outside the beds.  Already I have the seeds sprouted and awaiting transplanting, but that won’t happen until early next week.

    Roger and his crew hauled over prunings from grape growers, and have used them to sparkle up the trellises to wonderful effect.

    Grape vines on trellises

    I think they add a wonderful ethereal look to the structures.

    Viney trellis

    As far as the ponds go, contouring is slowly being done and we all await the coming of the pump on Monday.  I will not be blogging for the next few days because I will be attending the Southern California Permaculture Convergence in Malibu http://www.socalconvergence.org/ , and as I will be sleeping in a bunkhouse at Camp Hess, I’m thinking that bringing my laptop would be a bad idea.  I’ll take photos and be excited to share what I’ve learned with you when I return.   Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Gardening adventures,  Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures,  Ponds,  Rain Catching

    Partial Pond

    The Grading Begins

    Today the work finally began on the series of ponds, swales and rain catchment basins that are the heart of the permaculture project.  Their object is to catch, channel and hold rainwater so that it percolates slowly down into the ever increasing loam of the forest garden, making water available longer for the plants rather than sheeting off the top of my property and eroding the embankments.

    First Scoops

    The blue stakes delineate where the water will fill to.  The edges are irregular to create more edge space for plants and animals.

    Tractor Dan with Greenie

    Dan Barnes Tractor Work ( at 760-731-0985) has worked with Roger Boddaert in the past, and has done some work on my project already.  Dan is an artist with the tractor.  Although much of his work is mowing and disking, he has created ponds and swales in the past and really knows what he is doing. If you need tractor work, Dan is your man.  He owns several different sized tractors, or he rents the appropriate size and does what you need in excellent time for very reasonable rates. Plus, he’s just a great guy.

    Dan, Jacob and Aart Discussing Grades

    Here Dan, Aart de Vos and Jacob Hatch discuss the grading plan.  Aart owns Aquascape Associates pond landscaping, specializing in natural ponds.  Drawing from his Northern European heritage and knowledge, Aart believes in simplicity, old technology that is proven to work, small footprint and natural environments.  He and his manager Jacob Hatch knew exactly what I wanted, and the work that I’ve seen of theirs looks as if man had nothing to do with forming the ponds.  Not only did they know what I wanted and were already experienced at it, but their prices are very reasonable in comparison to some quotes we received for ponds that would have looked artificial and have been electricity monsters.

    Canine Clay Treatment

    At lunch break, my dog Sophie loved the excavation and gave herself a very good roll in the clay.

    Mostly Done

    At the end of the first day, the rough work on the lower pond is almost done.  Tomorrow Dan will finish this and move on to the rough work of the next area.  Jacob and his team will begin the contouring of the big pond with the small tractor and by  hand.

    Shiny Clay.. for once a good thing

    At the depth of six feet, there was a wonderful layer of clay.  The ponds are not going to be lined with plastic or polymer; instead, Aart believes that the compacted natural clay should be good enough to keep the pond filled.  The water source for all the ponds, besides seasonal rainwater, is a four-inch wide drill hole that was augured near where the lower pond sits.  Water was found nine feet down.  A small submersible pump will be lowered to pump water into the ponds.  At first the pump will be run by an extension cord.  Then it will be replaced by either solar or a windmill… I’m looking into the noise that windmills make because I need and desire my quiet.

    Culvert Cleaned

    This is where all the neighbor’s runoff funnels through to my property in the upper corner.  Before it would make a 90 degree turn (or attempt to) in a narrow cement culvert and be diverted all the way down my property and off into the streambed below.  Except for when it really rained hard or the culvert became silted in from the neighbor’s topsoil.  Then it would flood the entire property and erode everything in it’s wake.  This entrance area was cleaned today by Cody, who works with Jacob.  The water will still channel through here, but it will be diverted into a dry streambed and on into the swales and ponds.  Then it will be held, slowly perculating into the loam and soil to be available for the deep roots of the trees and plants.

    Entrance to the Bee Garden

    Also worked on today by Roger’s team was this arbor to the entrance to the Bee Garden for honeysuckle and other vines to grow over.  I’m sprouting luffa gourd seeds; perhaps some can grow up these and hang down over the entrance.

    When me and my chilren moved here twelve years ago, we hoped to find buried treasure on the property.  What we found in the areas most suseptable to erosion was piles of palm fronds, auto tires, and a buried toilet (which is still there).  At the end of the day today Dan called out to me that he’d found the buried treasure.


    One of the bottles was capped and was half full of liquid.  I sniffed it…. only muddy water.  Shucks.

    More tomorrow!

  • Gardening adventures,  Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures,  Photos,  Vegetables,  Vegetarian

    My Gardens Today

    Entranceway with Running Dog

    April and May are months that I often don’t remember when reflecting back at the end of the year.  Spring is such a busy season.  When I was raising children, and when I was working as a school librarian, these months rushed past in the haste towards summer break.  As a gardener, Spring is one season when I turn into one of those Garden Designers London and since it is also the season of intense growth of both weeds and desirables, insects and increasing dryness, and for me and so many others, the inevitable allergies that keep me out of the garden for days.  So I thought I’d post photos of my gardens as they stand today, in the middle of April, on threshold of Summer.

    By the Front Door

    I’ll start at my front door and work downhill. The walkway to the front door is lined with purple lantana and a mixture of red geraniums, honeysuckle, butterfly bush and Double Delight rose.  It is being enjoyed by my very silly old dog General Mischief, who just realized that I was going to let him into the house.  He looks a bit like a vampire dog in this photo, though!

      By my front door I have a collection of miscellaneous plants, as most people do.  Two staghorn ferns given me by my mother have attached themselves in a very satisfactory way to the chain link fence.  There is also a dark red ivy geranium, needlepoint ivy, some bulbs just out of bloom, a traveling (or Egyptian) onion (it’s seeds are bulbets grown on the flower) that my brother gave to me, and some sedums.  When I water here I usually disturb a Pacific Chorus Frog or two.   I’ve thinned and weeded and replanted this collection, but there are always more that magically appear.  

    Front Pond

    The front yard pond is full of algae, but that is all right for the moment.  I don’t want a crystal clear pond; I want habitat.  Because of the clear blobs of  frog spawn and wriggling tadpoles hiding from the hungry mouths of the mosquito fish I keep the algae until it is no longer inhabited.   Waterlilies (even the monster one!  Look at other posts for an explaination) are blooming with last weekend’s sudden heat.  In the foreground are Jewel Mix nasturiums with heirloom tuberoses emerging, a grey mound of lamb’s ear which has begun to pop up where I don’t expect it, and rosemary by the bird feeders.  Our kitchen table has the view of the feeders, and it is from this yard that we count birds seasonally for Cornell University’s Project Feederwatch.   Oh, and try not to focus on the weeds, please.

    Side Gardens
    On the South side of my house I’ve painted the wall a Mediterranean blue to reduce the glare and create a colorful backdrop for flowers.  I keep annuals in this bed, along with some bulbs and a rose that is still small that my daughter gave to me.  In th photo just blooming are naturtium, alyssum, foxglove, pansies, and a delphinium that fell over and started growing upright again.  My library window overlooks this yard.  I was trying to keep the color scheme focusing on apricot to show up well agains the wall, but I end up planting whatever I want in here.  Cosmos have again reseeded and are starting to grow rapidly; they’ll block the window by summer and be full of goldfinches.  I’ve also planted a couple of bleeding hearts that I picked up in one of those bulb  packages at WalMart.  Usually the plant is pretty spent and they aren’t worth the money, but I somehow think that I am rescuing the poor thing.  These came up but haven’t yet bloomed. 
    Lady Banksia

    Along my driveway is a Lady Banksia rose that has taken off, along with a bush mallow, a Hidcote lavender, and a late daffodil.   Farther along the driveway (not shown) is a Pride of Madera (I love that name!) that is going gangbusters, a small liquidamber, rockrose, a mixture of natives and incidental plants such as a tomato that survived the winter, a Joseph’s Coat rose, and an established pine tree with a crow’s nest at the top.  There are other roses and plants here, too, like a prostrate pyracantha for berries, a white carpet rose, native milkweed for the Monarch butterflies (perennial ones; the annuals are usually gone by the time the butterflies migrate here), an apricot penstamon, aloe vera, and probably the kitchen sink, too, if I root around long enough.  I love tinkering around with this mess of plants, seeing what will grow and trying new combinations.

    Raised Vegetable Beds

    In my raised vegetable beds the peas have been producing well.  The shorter ones had been nibbled by crows as they were emerging, but after I put a rubber snake amongst them, the nibbling stopped.   Potatoes are nearing harvest time, and I’ve already snuck out a few new potatoes and they were very good.  Sometimes I’ve had potatoes with brown fiber in them and a bitter taste; no doubt due to irregular watering and soil problems.  I worked hard on improving my soil and giving it a boost with natural fertilizers from Gardens Alive.  There are so many peas in the garden because I planted all my old packets so that the roots will set nitrogen in the soil. 

    I also have growing carrots, broccoli, cilantro, parsley, endive, salad mix, parsnip, strawberries, blueberries, breadseed poppies, horseradish, asparagus, bush beans, fava beans, a yellow tomato and a red slicing tomato, garlic, shallots, red and white onions, Swiss chard, leeks, collards and basil.  Most are just small guys right now.   

    In my temporary nursery area I have sprouting pickling cucumbers, zucchini, quinoa (first time!), more basil, Dukat dill, cantalope, and a cooking pumpkin.  I’ll sprout more squashes and maybe popcorn and sweet corn soon. 
    View up the Middle

    This is a view of the middle of my property, from the lower end up.    

    Palm Tree Walkway

    This is the palm tree walkway as it stands now.

    And this is the lower area.  Notice the stakes in the ground and the tractors?  They are there because today is the day the ponds will be excavated!  The rain-catchment ponds, permanent habitat pond and swales will be carved, shaped and filled in the next two days, fed by water from a 4-inch well augered in the lower property.  I have hired Aquascape to create habitat and rain catchment ponds; the demostrations of their work look as if humans hadn’t messed with anything.  In about an hour from now, the action finally begins!  After the ponds are installed, then the final plant guilds will be established, the minor amount of irrigation installed, and that will be that!  I’ll keep you posted on pond development! 
  • Gardening adventures,  Recipes,  Vegan,  Vegetables,  Vegetarian

    How to Cook Swiss Chard

    Swiss Chard

    Swiss chard is that bright green leafy vegetable, usually with a red mid vein, that most people inch past in the supermarkets.  It looks so darn healthy it is scary, and also looks complicated and possibly bitter.  I’ve been growing chard for years.  One of the easiest of plants to grow from seed, this perennial in our San Diego climate reseeds itself if you let it.  To harvest you cut off all the leaves except a few in the middle (to keep the plant producing food for itself).  You can easily feed off of a few of these plants for years.

    Chard is Mediterranean, not Swiss, but wherever its from it comes packed with antioxidants and many other great health benefits.  There is the most common red veined chard that you see in the supermarket, and there is also white or yellow veined varieties.  If you buy a package of seeds called Bright Lights, it contains seeds for a mixture of these.  The taste difference is negligible, and since in preparing chard you usually strip the mid vein out, it really doesn’t make much difference except as color variety in the garden.

    You can cut the leaves while very young and add them directly to lettuce mixes for salads, especially wilted salads.  Or you can stir-fry them up or use them as you would baby spinach.  The wonderful thing about chard is that you can use the old leaves as well.  Older chard takes a little longer to prepare, but oh, it is worth the effort.  To prepare older leaves, I fill half the kitchen sink with water, then with my fingers or a sharp knife, strip the green away from the mid veins and drop the greens into the water.

    Strip the green part from the midrib

    Wash the greens well.  If your garden doesn’t have a lot of mulch around the plants, then there might be soil kicked up on the leaves.  Also, look out for any freeloaders such as snails or earwigs.  I usually soak the leaves for a while, letting any thing extra float to the top or sink, then drain and rinse again.  Squeeze the extra liquid from the greens and you are ready to cook.

    If you want to freeze the chard for later, boil water in a big pot (depending on how much chard you have; you can do it in batches, too), then blanch the greens by briefly submerging them in the boiling water, fishing them out and bathing them in cold water to stop the cooking process.  Dry the greens and freeze in containers.

    This is my recipe for cooking chard, which my kids and I have loved for years.  You can prepare it this way and eat directly, or use it as filling for enchiladas, frittatas, empanadas, or any other tas or das  you may desire!  Photos follow the print version of the recipe.

    Chard Saute
    Recipe type: Side Dish
    Prep time: 
    Cook time: 
    Total time: 
    Serves: 4-6
    Swiss chard is easy to grow and a little more involved to prepare, but oh! how it is worth the effort!
    • 2 tsp olive oil
    • 1 large shallot (or half an onion, or a clove or two of garlic)
    • ¼ cup vegetable broth or water
    • 2 large bunches Swiss chard (or more)
    1. Wash, wring out, de-stem and chop large chard leaves.
    2. In a large saute pan (that is a frying pan with high sides), heat two tablespoons olive oil to medium high. Or, if doing a mondo-huge pile of chard, use a pot.
    3. Chop one large shallot, or half an onion, or a clove or two of garlic and add to pan.
    4. If using onion, then allow to cook for a few minutes until softened.
    5. Add wrung-out Swiss chard and stir a little.
    6. Add a quarter of a cup of vegetable broth (the greens will still hold water, so you don't need much broth. Or you can add the same amount of water).
    7. Cover the pan and reduce heat to low.
    8. Allow chard to steam for about twenty minutes (it should be simmering in there; if it isn't, turn up the heat a little).
    9. Lift the lid once and stir chard.
    10. At the end of the cooking time, remove the lid and turn up the heat.
    11. Allow any extra broth to cook until almost completely gone. Be careful not to scorch!
    12. Remove from heat, adjust the salt to taste, and serve. I eat it with butter, or sprinkled with Parmesan cheese is also good. Yum!!


    Chard Saute

    In a large saute pan (that is a frying pan with high sides), heat two tablespoons olive oil to medium high. Or, if doing a mondo-huge pile of chard, use a pot.

    Pan o'chard

    Chop one large shallot, or half an onion, or a clove or two of garlic and add to pan.

    Slice shallots

    If using onion, then allow to cook for a few minutes until softened.  Add wrung-out Swiss chard and stir a little.  Add a quarter of a cup of vegetable broth (the greens will still hold water, so you don’t need much broth.  Or you can add the same amount of water).  Cover the pan and reduce heat to low.  Allow chard to steam for about twenty minutes (it should be simmering in there; if it isn’t, turn up the heat a little).  Lift the lid once and stir chard.

    Stir the chard

    At the end of the cooking time, remove the lid and turn up the heat.  Allow any extra broth to cook until almost completely gone.  Remove from heat, adjust the salt to taste, and serve.  I eat it with butter, or sprinkled with Parmesan cheese is also good.  Yum!!

    Buttered Chard: YUM!
  • Gardening adventures,  Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures

    Garden Stairs

    Just a brief update on the garden.  With the intermittant rains, and while awaiting bids on the rain catchment ponds, progress is still slow.  Yet many trees and plants have been set in the ground, rocks moved picturesquely into place, and lots of mulch spread.  My last garden update showed the first and second tier of the embankment leading down to the streambed with the palm-leaf covered retaining fences.  I mentioned how the second tier would lead around past a fill spot; that is what Francisco and Juan are working on now.  It is another gargantuan task, working on a slippery hillside with heavy rocks.  They are doing a fabulous job as usual. 

    Top of the stairway

    I wanted to be able to get down to an old bridge that spans the streambed, and then down to the streambed itself without having to use a rope and rappel down.  There had been a pathway down to there, but the flooding several years ago and this December’s heavy rains put short work to that.   

    First Switchback

     The men have reinforced the retaining fence, blocked it with palm fronds again, built up and stabilized the hillside with rocks, and cut railroad ties for stairs.  

    Second Switchback

    They ran into miscellaneous debris thrown down the hillside by the previous owner, such as crumbled asphalt.  Since it was already in the dirt they left it and used it as part of the soil reinforcement. 

    View from the bottom

     The area was heavily mulched with straw to protect from possible erosion from this rain we are supposed to have this weekend.   The stairs are almost complete, and pending the weather will probably be done tomorrow.   These photos don’t do the project justice. 

    Why, you may ask, am I spending money on such a stairway?  Because the streambed, albeit small, runs year-round, and it was the selling point of the property for me.  Lined by willows and oaks draped with thick vines of wild cucumber and grape, it is a natural haven for birds, possum, raccoons, coyotes and so much else.  Sunlight dapples through the canopy, and all you can see from the bottom are plants and water.  When standing down there, I could be in a forest far away from traffic and houses.  It is my own private parkland; a piece of nature that I can protect and keep natural for the sake of its inhabitants.  This stairway isn’t invasive; in fact as I’ve said, it replaces one that was viable until recently, but utilized old rusty pipes and wire which was more dangerous to man and beast than useful.  Besides, the stairs are short enough that even a possum could climb them!  Ever hear of wildlife corridors?  I have a wildlife stairway!

    Tomorrow evening I will be attending a retreat with members of  Ann Wade’s Fitness Fusion and Healing Yoga class.  We are going to an inn in Idyllwild until Sunday afternoon.  Since rain and snow are in the forecast, it should be an exciting time.   Since I’m not good in social settings, having always been an observer and loner, I thought I’d try it and see how it went.  I expect to have a wonderful time