- Animals, Bees, Chickens, Gardening adventures, Other Insects, Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures, Quail, Seeds, Soil, Vegetables
Protecting the Little Guys… and a little about diatomaceous earth
When transplanting little plants out into the big garden it feels like sending your child off to their first day at Kindergarten. All kinds of things can happen to them in the big world. For children… that’s too large a topic for me (Kindergarten mother survivor here). For plants I can give you some advice.
Besides watering too much or too little, and root disturbance while transplanting, little guys can be eaten by bugs, birds or other animals, or simply get lost and overlooked. (Here is a container growing tip: as your seedlings sprout and grow, gently pass your hand across them every time you are with them. It will make for stronger stems.) (And its fun!)(And you can pretend you’re ruffling their hair and say things like, “Hi, Sonny.” Or not.)
A day before transplanting out of a container or from a nursery bed, water the sprouts well. If they’ve been in containers for awhile those roots may be going in circles and the water can’t penetrate from the top very well. If that is the case, put the pots in water for half an hour until moisture is wicked into the pot thoroughly, then allow to drain. I say to do this the day before because if you water just before planting the soil around your root ball will fall apart, breaking fine hair roots and shocking your poor little guy. Some plants hate their roots being touched so much that this would kill them. By the next day after watering the container will still be moist, but the soil should be solid enough to stick together when tipped out.
Dig a hole twice as wide and twice as deep as your plant, then backfill with a mixture of good compost and the soil from the hole. This will help acclimate the roots to the soil change. Water the hole, and if you’re really industrious water with compost tea. Set your plant into the hole and firmly press the soil around the plant. If you are planting tomatoes, eggplant or peppers (all in the same family) you can set the plant more deeply into the hole; they will form more roots from the stems and become sturdier. The rule of thumb otherwise is to plant so that the soil level of the hole is the same as that of the transplant; many plants will rot if soil is up against their stem. If it is too low, the roots will be exposed and dry out. Potatoes can be trenches and hilled up as they grow, or maybe you will try trashcan or crate potatoes. If you live in an arid area, plant in shallows so that rain can accumulate around the plant. If you live in a wet area, plant on hills so water can drain off. Or if you’re practicing permaculture, plant on the swales!
So your little guy is in the ground and gently tamped in. To keep off the birds and bunnies and mice and rats and whatever else is looking for dinner, I use plastic berry cartons turned over and set in place with sticks or with rocks on top. Reuse and repurpose! They are also good for protecting figs . The cartons allow enough sun in, and also makes it very obvious where the seedling is so that you don’t step on it, or weed the little tomatoes out with the almost identical ragweed sprouts. For larger plants, turn over a milk crate.
I have no native quail in my yard. Due to nearby houseing developments, there aren’t many quail around me anymore. Quail would fill the niche of beetle and sowbug eaters. My hens want only worms, spoiled things, and their big feet do a lot of damage if not watched.
Sowbugs cluster under mulch and do damage to stems and fruit.
I use a little food-grade diatomaceous earth around the seedlings, new sprouts in the garden, around the strawberry plants, and also around plants such as artichoke, corn and chard where ants have begun to farm aphids.
I use it around the trunks of my stonefruit trees to stop the ants, and have been told that it works well around the legs of beehives in lieu of or in combination with cups of oil to keep out the ants. Diatomaceous earth is the finely ground bodies of ancient sea creatures (diatoms). The powder on a microscopic level is full of sharp edges.
When a sectioned insect such as an ant, flea or sowbug crawls on it, it rasps their tender areas and dessicates them. Not something I really am happy about doing to the bugs. I’m only using it on a very small scale. Remember that any insecticide, even DE, kills many kinds of insects not just the targets. You don’t want to eradicate your insects; most of them are helping your plants and your soil. DE will melt into the soil when watered, but only reapply if you still see the target bugs. The problem might already be taken care of.
Use food-grade DE, not the kind that is sold in pool supply stores. FGDE is used in graineries to keep weevils and other bugs out of grain and beans, so you’ve been eating it for years without knowing it. It doesn’t hurt us, nor is it bad to breathe (some people wear masks that they can get from https://accumed.com/n95-mask-for-sale-respirator-safety-face-mask-z1.html, just in case). It is a great, natural and inexpensive way to fight fleas without paying big money for poisons to put on your pet. I have it all over my cats’ bedding.
They sell DE sprayers, but they become clogged. The easiest and least expensive applicator (which can be repurposed)? A condiment dispenser. You know, the plastic mustard and ketchup squeeze bottles in diners. I bought a set of two for $2. You can practice a little to dispense a finer dust.
So I plant my little guys, give them a drink, squeeze a little DE around them, give them a berry basket hat until they outgrow it, then take it off to use elsewhere. If there is still a threat to your plants from critters (somebody was eating my eggplant leaves last year! I mean, really…ick!), then turn a wire gopher cage over the top or make a wire cage to fit and use sticks or landscape staples to fasten into the ground.. These, too, you can reuse yearly.
- Animals, Chickens, Gardening adventures, Heirloom Plants, Herbs, Other Insects, Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures, Photos, Ponds, Quail, Vegetables
What’s Happening in the July Garden
A banana squash stealthily growing huge An apricot tree with fava beans, squash, herbs, artichokes, and tomatoes The withy hide growing beautifully Kabocha and delicata squash on the ground, zucchino rampicante on the trellis, Christmas beans, favas, Swiss chard and medicinal plants around a small avocado tree Favas: great for the soil, great for the dinnerplate Heirloom tomatoes. Why do they all come ripe at the same time? Sugar pumpkins are ripe already in the Mediterranean guild. Also figs, paste tomato, dill, fennel, thyme, pickling cucumbers and artichoke. Plant guilds of squash, beans, flowers, etc. are flourishing. Heirloom green melons hiding from the hot sun. By now the wild buckwheat has dried up, which starves the bees. But not here. Matilija and Flanders poppies over banana squash Monarchs are so plentiful this year that we have to take pains to avoid them. Wildflowers host an incredible diversity of insects Dill flowers looking like a spectacular firework In a balanced wildlife habitat, bunnys do little harm All five girls waiting for treats in the Fowl Fortress Pumpkins, bananas, bamboo and much more by fescue paths. Fresh grape leaves, dill and garlic from the garden for the pickles Hot weather? Must be canning season! Pickled cucumbers, zucchino and onions, and peach pit and peel jelly. Very large yellow waterlilies Native salt heliotrope by the big pond. Volunteer tomato in the shade of the Nest, by palm tree bench. Wisteria, grapes and zerpheranthum lilies around the Nest Blooming banana Quail eggs! Double heirloom hollyhock Egyptian lilies Fourth of July rose celebrating the holiday - Animals, Bees, Birding, Chickens, Compost, Gardening adventures, Health, Other Insects, Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures, Photos, Ponds, Quail, Rain Catching, Reptiles and Amphibians, Soil
I Went to a Garden Party….
AAUW Garden Tour Saturday was the AAUW Garden Tour. What a glorious day. I expected about a hundred visitors, and made 120 handouts. Sometime in the early afternoon I guess they ran out, and I didn’t know about it for awhile. I made 25 more for the last two hours, and have five left. One of the docents said that some had been turned back in during the morning. Every couple probably took just one… wow, that’s a lot of people.
I’d been talking to the garden all week, asking the blooming plants to hold that thought for a few more days, and encouraging the nonblooming ones to get a move on. The plants did what I asked! There were so many flowers out Saturday, it was amazing. Heirloom roses, Gideon’s Trumpet, ranunculus, herbs, wildflowers, and waterlilies. The garden, apparently, also was also all for proof in advertising, as in standing behind the NWF Habitat sign on the front gate. So many kinds of butterflies and dragonflies were out for the first time this year that people remarked on it. In the afternoon, there were sightings of a king snake all over the property; I think it had to have been three kingsnakes. One was moved from the refreshment area, but he came back, and then as I was standing by the pond talking to some ladies one came past us. Another was sighted up in the driveway. Roger sighted a gopher snake. No one shrieked or complained; either these were hardy people, or the idea that this was a habitat yard made them keep calm. It also backed up my claims of letting snakes deal with gophers and rodents! One man spotted a baby bunny under the Withy Hide bench. By one o’clock, it was funny. It was as if a button had been pressed to turn the garden on, and all the features were working! What a glorious day.
Jacob (Aquascape Associates) and Roger (landscape architect) and I answered questions for most of the day; the last four visitors left at four. So many people asked questions about permaculture, soil, beekeeping, cob ovens and rain catchment that I know that I couldn’t answer everyone’s questions. Of course there were some who like a tidy, orderly garden, and that is fine. If everyone came away with some idea how to work with nature rather against it, to use chemicals less, to grow organic food, to repurpose, to compost their kitchen waste and weeds, then what a lot of small ripples of good will come of it.
Thank you to my dear friends who helped prepare the garden so that it looked stunning. And thank you to the snakes, butterflies, bees, dragonflies, birds, bunnies and who-knows-what-else that came out to perform for the visitors! And thank you to everyone who visited! No casualities; all good.
Here are some photos, although my camera doesn’t do the colors justice:
AAUW Garden Tour Welcome! Look at photos of how it was. Main entrance walkway Walkway into the Nest One of the many trails A palm sitting stump between guilds by the driveway A green melon under variegated lemon, with native grasses. Quail hut, with privacy boards up. Status and wildflowers across the stone walkway Cool spot under the upper pepper tree Roger and visitors by the Withy Hide Some of the first visitors of many Pickerel blooming in the little pond Gideon’s Trumpet keeping blooms and aroma until the tour Jacob teaching about natural ponds Baby bunny under the Withy Hide bench Roger answering questions View from the Bee Garden gate Cool spot under the pepper tree -
They Followed Me Home, I Swear
Viola and Madge How many times do you go to the store for a couple of items and come back with a bag full? Too often for me. Yet, I persist in shopping. I went to the feed store for chicken scratch, and came back with new friends.
Madge's bad eye. She can find her food pretty well, though! These are two Rhode Island Red hens, about a year old, who had been victimized to the point of injury by sister hens. Too many birds in a small holding pen will do that, plus the whole pecking order thing. Most of us are familiar with that from living through middle school.
Viola's limp isn't this bad; she's just being dramatic for the camera. The larger bird is blind in the right eye. Her name is Madge (she looks like a Madge!). The smaller girl has a limpy leg, and her name is Viola (Twelfth Night). (Have you ever really looked at the word twelfth? I spelled it phonetically as twelph, and knew it was wrong but then had a hard time figuring the real spelling out after seeing it. Sorry… digression). Both are missing a lot of feathers in various places. These two were in a cage by themselves, and get along famously. The poor dears each laid an egg in the cardboard box in which they were transported.
A surprise in the box. Poor girls! I’ve put them in Emerson’s old run (oh, and his price has gone down to $15 and the warning sign is off his pen) until I can build the Hen House of my Dreams.
Temporary shelter in Emerson's cage. My other three girls, Lark, Chickpea and Miss Amelia are a happy trio and I don’t want to upset the apple cart, nor have the newbies subjected to pecking order again.
Lark (getting a bit fat) with Chickpea and Miss Ameila. I bought this fantastic chicken house some months ago, thinking it would be a warm spot for my three hens (wasn’t that a TV show? It should be one!) but they rejected it wholeheartedly. My girls are used to more space. I figured this pen would be good for some smaller breed. I’ve been looking for frizzle hens, but no one seems to have them. If I order from a hatchery it is straight run, which means unsexed chicks, and I don’t want to do the rooster thing again.
The Quail House. I’d like to establish California quail on the property, but since they are the state bird it is illegal to farm them here. Hatcheries in other states will send eggs, but at this moment I don’t have the time to care for eggs (and I’m too heavy to sit on them, although I do get broody a lot). I contacted Project Wildlife for rehabilitated quail for release, but they release within three miles of where the animals were found, which is an excellent policy. I’ve posted on Craigslist for both frizzle hens and Ca. quail, but no responses yet.
The quail that is commonly sold is the coturnix. These are Japanese quail. Because of their looks they are also called Egyptian quail, Pharaoh quail, and other names. They are less nervous than Bobwhite or button quail, they don’t fly up a lot so they don’t bang their heads on the top of the cage. They lay delightful brown speckled eggs. The feed store had a new shipment in, and they weren’t just selling pairs, so I bought three beautiful little girls, about six months old.
Saki. Very contempletive. My daughter did a quick and imaginative search for names and came up with a lot of really good ones. With a nod to the breed’s origin and alternative names, the dark brown one is called Saki, short for sakura which is Japanese cherry, rice wine, or also short for the Sakkara, which is an Egyptian city of temples. Covers all bases there. The mostly white one is called Benu, which is an Egyptian bird god you can read about here: http://www.thewhitegoddess.co.uk/articles/ancient_egypt/the_benu_bird.asp . The light brown one, incongruously, is named after Agatha Christie’s character Miss Felicity Lemon, most notably played by Pauline Moran in the Poirot television series. It was too good a name not to use, although rather long for such a handful of a bird.
Benu in the back, and Miss Felicity Lemon in the front. The quail don’t have much personality as yet. Of course, they had been raised crammed in cages with many other birds, shipped through the mail service, then moved to another cage with many other birds. They had arrived at the store on Sunday. These three are settling in slowly, enjoying the personal space and the tall weeds that have grown inside the coop (it is bottomless). After all the strange sounds and smells become commonplace, they’re personalities will emerge. They don’t scare or fly when approached, but hunker down in a fatalistic “this is my last moment on earth” kind of way. Already they are showing more hope in small ways as they react to my voice. I put them upstairs in the coop last night, but they were down again this morning. Their cage has handles so it can be moved when they’ve thoroughly manured that area. (There, I’ve said the ‘m’ word again!).
The RIR's eggs are on the left. Americauna and Silver Wyondotte on right. So more beaks to feed. At least I’m staying away from the Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary, at least for awhile. General Mischief and Sophie are too old for a new dog, and I certainly don’t need any more cats.
Of course, the llamas at the feeds store, and those really cute guinea pigs, could really use a home….