Other Insects

  • Birding,  Hiking,  Other Insects,  Travel

    Hiking Santa Ysabel Open Space Preserve


    Ancient god face in wood


    Today my daughter and my hiking buddy Alex spent almost five hours hiking a seven-mile trail in the stunning Santa Ysabel Preserve.  Alex and I hiked the Kanaka Loop trail before, taking less time, but today we stopped often for photographs of the abundant birds, insects, plants and incredible views.

    A small pine in the shadow of a fallen giant

    Managed by the County of San Diego Parks Dept., this open space preserve has two entrances.  The West Loop Trail, which is short and mostly easy, is off of Highway 79, and the main entrance and staging area is off of Farmer Road past Julian  (http://www.sdcounty.ca.gov/parks/openspace/Santa_Ysabel.html ) . Each entrance offers loop trails, and are connected by a portion of the Coast to Crest Trail.

    This preserve is the home of ancient oak riparian woodlands,

    Out of a storybook

    200-year-old sycamore groves,


    Two-hundred year-old sycamores


    stunning views of the mountains and hills west, with a glimpse of Palomar Observatory in the far distance

    The View towards Palomar Observatory

    and equally serene pastoral landscapes of mountain homes, apple orchards and rolling hills in the southeast.

    A beautiful valley of apple groves

    At this time of year the grasslands are pale gold, and ripples travel for acres in the very welcome warm breeze that kept this July day from being overwhelmingly hot.

    Rolling grasslands

    A new experience for us was to walk miles of trail while disturbing thousands of grasshoppers that flung themselves out of the way or took wing to avoid us.  It was like setting popcorn off as we walked, trying to not tread on any but also being hit by some misdirected fellows.  One took a ride on my pants for awhile until he began to investigate my pants pocket and I had to give him a boost to freedom.


    It was a glorious day for birding; some of the birds we saw were flocks of Western bluebirds, kingbirds, a lark sparrow, a Lazuli bunting, ravens, chipping sparrows, goldfinches, bushtits, both spotted and California towhees, acorn and Nuttall’s woodpeckers, a Northern flicker, a Cooper’s hawk, an American kestrel, Western meadowlarks, brown-headed cowbirds, cliff swallows, Steller and scrub jays, Mountain chickadees, and many turkey families, their brood half-grown and comically awkward.  We saw bright red Large Milkweed Beetles on blooming Indian milkweed, a late blooming Summer lupine, and did I mention grasshoppers?  Thousands of grasshoppers. Almost the entire hike.  A pair of ravens sat in the tall grass to the side of the trail with their beaks open, catching them as they leaped, as did Western bluebirds and others.

    A hollow stump that looks like a TV set

    The Preserve is also home to cattle, and groups of the little ladies and their offspring dotted the landscape.  Many bad cow jokes ensued (they’re in a bad MOOd; you can’t HIDE from them, they are UTTERLY charming, we’ve got to HOOF it past them, let’s MOOve it along… well, you get the picture), and although they watched us warily, they gave us no problem and we spoke to them soothingly as we passed by.


    The Kanaka Loop Trail is easy up to the streambed crossing,

    Good run-off for July

    then it goes uphill in areas which are bare due to elevation and past fires, so there is little cover.  Many pines have sprouted up and their fragrance in the heat is intoxicating.  However twice during the trail up through the trees we smelled greasy french-fries, and have no idea what plant or combination of flowers created that scent.  It is an exceptionally beautiful trail and not difficult for the average hiker, but be sure to take a hat and lots of water, and a good attitude towards cows!

  • Animals,  Bees,  Birding,  Other Insects,  Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures

    The Importance of Leaving a Mess

    Animal tunnels through a brush pile

    A clean yard is usually a pleasing sight.  Picking up loose boards, plywood, sticks and logs keeps people from tripping, is encouraged by the fire department to reduce fuel for fires, and makes for more room to walk.  Also, things live under debris and we’ve always been told to not poke our fingers into dark places (excellent advice!  If a giant stuck his huge finger into our bedroom window we’d try to hurt it to make it go away, too!), and by eliminating so-called debris we reduce the chance of bites by snakes, spiders, or whatever bitey things may be living in your part of the world.

    However, by reducing the debris, we also reduce habitat. Those bitey creatures need a place to live, as do the non-bitey creatures we are also displacing by removing wood.  All these creatures are part of the intensely woven food web that keeps our planet populated and working.  I cannot disagree about making your yard safe for children and pets, but if you have a space, make an area for habitat, too.  Rope off a corner of your yard and tell your children and pets not to go into there, and leave bundles of sticks, pieces of plywood, old logs, piles of leaves, etc. in that corner.  This is a home for the wild things, and your children can understand, observe and respect the fact that the world should not be made clean for them.  Teach your children not to hunt and catch wild things, not to tear apart nests and destroy habitat.  Observe and wonder instead.

    In my yard, especially since I’ve had some sheds removed (in which racoons, wasps and possums raised families… I’m hoping to make a new place for them), I have stacks of plywood and old buidling materials which are good for recycling back into projects around my house.  A junkheap, yes; a goldmine, yep.  Under these stacks I have found such wonderful creatures that I didn’t even know came into my yard (perhaps they didn’t until the wood was left out).

    The most exciting creature was a female Western pond turtle.

    Female Western Pond Turtle

    In Washington, the Western pond turtles are endangered, and they are considered threatened in Oregon and are becoming rare in California and Baja California.  Besides loss of habitat and an increase in pollution, one of the major factors in our native turtle’s slow demise is the release of non-native aggressive species such as the red-eared slider turtles.  Red-eared sliders are America’s favorite pet turtle although they are native to the Southern United States.  Due to releases they are everywhere.  DO NOT RELEASE YOUR PET INTO THE WILD!  As much harm has been done by and to domestic animals and wild animals by the releasing of pets as by habitat loss.  A number of years ago there was a salmonella scare allegedly traced to pet turtles. The public’s response was to dump their children’s turtles in any waterway close by.   Red-eared sliders have a distinctive red line by their eyes, and are named sliders because that family of semi-aquatic turtle can slide into the water quickly.  They are omnivorous, aggressive, adaptable and become large.  They eat anything that they can fit into their mouths, including the less aggressive smaller Western pond turtles.

    Females have flat plasterons; notice her left stumpy leg.

    Finding a female Western pond turtle in the yard was fantastic, and I can only surmise that she had made her way up from the shallow streambed below the property to hopefully lay eggs.  I haven’t found signs of a disturbed area yet where she may have layed, but am keeping the whole area protected just in case.

    Long tails

    She is missing one front foot, probably bitten off while a youngster when something was trying to eat her.  Before we knew she was a she, we thought of giving him a piratey name due to the missing foot and her semi-aquatic nature.  Captain Blood was too fierce, but the author of that and other swashbuckling tales which had been made into movies is Raphael Sabatini.  Now that is a terrific name.  Go ahead and say it to yourself.  See?  So he became Raphael Sabatini until we checked her plasteron (the underside of her shell) and realized that it was flat not concave, which meant that she was a female.  Males need concave plasterons so that when they are, um, amorous, they don’t fall off so easily.  So she became Mrs. Sabatini.  Long story… sorry.  Nothing simple in my life.  Anyway, we checked out Mrs. Sabatini’s health, and then released her into our small upper pond, which has an excess of mosquito fish and bugs, so that she wouldn’t be hurt with all the work that is being done down where she was found.  We haven’t seen her since, so hopefully she is healthy and happy.

    Good-bye Mrs. Sabatini!


    Under another piece of plywood I’ve found blue-tailed skinks (I couldn’t take a photo because they move too quickly), California Slender Salamanders,

    California Slender Salamander

    gopher snakes, king snakes,

    California Kingsnake


    and Pacific chorus frogs.

    In a brush pile there are many birds hopping through, especially California towhees, Western fence lizards,  alligator lizards, tree rats, mice and many other creatures.

    In the ground are insects that you’d never expect.  For instance while weeding one of my heirloom bulb beds I disturbed this huge caterpiller that had a horn tail.

    White-lined Sphinx Moth Caterpiller

    The only horn tails that I’m familiar with are the tomato hornworms, but this guy was far away from my veggie patch, and instead of stripes had spots.  We looked him up, and he is the caterpiller form of the White-Lined Sphinx Moth, also known as the hummingbird moth because of the way it hovers in front of night-blooming flowers to drink nectar.  It is one of the important nighttime pollinators which few ever see.  We put him back and left some weeds in for him.

    Of course mason bees, among other pollinators, use holes in wood in which to nest.  Some bumblebees nest in abandoned gopher holes, and they are the natural pollinators of many native North American plants such as blueberries (honeybees were imported from Europe with white settlers; until then native plants developed their flowers to attract and accomidate bumblebees, wasps, and hundreds of other native insects.)

    All around my property there are logs and brush piles, and plywood layed down to choke out weeds in my veggie garden.  Underneath there is a world of habitat.  Isolated refuges for animals and insects who desperately need places to feel safe.  So go ahead, throw down some mulch, some logs, a pile of sticks or some plywood.  Know that you are doing the Earth a favor.

  • Animals,  Gardening adventures,  Heirloom Plants,  Other Insects,  Permaculture and Edible Forest Gardening Adventures,  Photos


    Insect Egg Cluster on Parsnips

    My daughter’s eagle eyes spotted a cluster of insect eggs on the underside of our parsnip leaves.  Many moths and butterflies are laying their eggs right now, so seeing a little white pearl glued to the underside of a leaf isn’t strange.

    Unknown Butterfly Egg

    The parsnips in question are late in the garden; they’ve been in the ground for a while and don’t like the heat so they are stressed.  Just as we become sick when stressed, so do plants, and the parsnips are under attack by aphids and ants.  Ants feed off of the sticky excretions of the aphids, so they have become ranchers.  Ants cultivate herds of aphids on stressed plants, grooming them and collecting their, um, poo.  So trying to put that image out of your head, if you see a lot of ants on a plant, expect aphids to be there also.  Aphids have rasping, sucking mouthparts that they use to eat away at a plant and suck the vital juices out of it.  Sorry, there is another image that you probably don’t want.  How to get rid of aphids?  The natural way would be to make sure your plants aren’t stressed, and allow ladybugs to flourish in your garden.

    So what would you do if you saw THIS in your garden?

    Ladybug Larvae Eating Aphids

    Run screaming?  Hit it with a trowel?  Wait!  You shouldn’t do any of those things!  These are baby ladybugs!  Just as many children do not resemble the adult into which they will grow, ladybug larvae look like something that Godzilla might take on… if the larvae were the size of a house or something, which they aren’t.  Okay, I’m digressing here.

    Back to that cluster of eggs my daughter saw.  They were hatching ladybug larvae!

    Hatching Ladybug Egg Cluster

    I’ve never seen them that small before. Good news for the garden: rescue forces are being hatched!

    Ladybug Larvae Hatching

    Ladybug larvae eat more aphids than the adults do (just think of teenagers and refrigerators).  When they’ve grown as much as they can, they will transform in to the ladybugs that we all know and love (even though we sing a horrible song to them about leaving the garden to check on a false alarm about fire and their children.  And people complain about not being able to keep ladybugs in their yards!)


    So if you see a creepy bug on your plants, the sides of your house… anywhere… don’t squish him!  It may be part of the Ladybug Larvae Special Forces out to break up the illegal ant ranches in your garden!