An apricot tree with fava beans, squash, herbs, artichokes, and tomatoes
The withy hide growing beautifully
Kabocha and delicata squash on the ground, zucchino rampicante on the trellis, Christmas beans, favas, Swiss chard and medicinal plants around a small avocado tree
Favas: great for the soil, great for the dinnerplate
Heirloom tomatoes. Why do they all come ripe at the same time?
Sugar pumpkins are ripe already in the Mediterranean guild. Also figs, paste tomato, dill, fennel, thyme, pickling cucumbers and artichoke.
Plant guilds of squash, beans, flowers, etc. are flourishing.
Heirloom green melons hiding from the hot sun.
By now the wild buckwheat has dried up, which starves the bees. But not here.
Matilija and Flanders poppies over banana squash
Monarchs are so plentiful this year that we have to take pains to avoid them.
Wildflowers host an incredible diversity of insects
Dill flowers looking like a spectacular firework
In a balanced wildlife habitat, bunnys do little harm
All five girls waiting for treats in the Fowl Fortress
Pumpkins, bananas, bamboo and much more by fescue paths.
Fresh grape leaves, dill and garlic from the garden for the pickles
Hot weather? Must be canning season! Pickled cucumbers, zucchino and onions, and peach pit and peel jelly.
Very large yellow waterlilies
Native salt heliotrope by the big pond.
Volunteer tomato in the shade of the Nest, by palm tree bench.
Wisteria, grapes and zerpheranthum lilies around the Nest